
Free online registration! Riding the waves to feel the charm of sailing!
來源:     發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-08-18 15:55

Since Qingdaolaunched the sailingpopularization programin2010, the total attendance of sailing experience has reached nearly530,000.Sailing has become a popularsport with citizens.

To engagemore people insailing experience, theQingdao Sports Development Center together with the website qingdaonews.com, and the four major sailing clubs in Qingdao organized theWelcomeon Board sailing popularization program for citizens. From now until the end of September,citizens canattend sailing experience through free online registration.

1. Follow the Wechat Official Account帆船之都青島.

2. Click帆船體驗(yàn) below or send歡迎來航海 to get theprogram link.

3. Click報(bào)名體驗(yàn).

4. Fill in the registration information.

Time: August 16to September 30.

Kind reminding:Please pay attention to the weatherconditionor contact the sailing club in advance after registration in case of weather delay. During the experience, you need to strictlyabide by the national, provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control work requirements, and protect yourself from possible infection.