
"Mayor’s Cup" International Regatta 2021 Notice of Race
來源:     發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-06-25 15:55

(Draft 20210618)


Hosts:Water SportsManagement Center of GeneralAdministration of Sport of China, Chinese Yachting Association, Beijing Olympic City Development Association,Qingdao MunicipalPeople’sGovernment

Organizers:Qingdao Major International Sailing Events (Festivals) Organizing Committee, Qingdao Municipal Sports Bureau, Qingdao Olympic Sailing City Development Association, Qingdao Yachting Association,QingdaoTourism Group Co., Ltd.,China Marine SportsAcademy

1. Rules

1.1. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined inthe Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

1.2. The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply to any time when the boats are on the water.

1.3. Add to RRS 41: (e) help to recover from the water and return on board a crew member, provided the return on board is at the approximate location of the recovery.

1.4. The prescriptions of the National or Regional Yachting Association will not apply.

1.5.‘[DP]’ denotes a rule for which the penalty is at the discretion of the protest committee.‘[NP]’ denotes a rule that shall not be grounds for protests by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1 (a).

1.6. If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.

2.  Advertising

2.1. In accordance withWorld Sailing Regulation 20 (Advertising Code), the organizingauthority may require all boats to display the event sponsor’s advertising on theirhulls and/or onback-stay pennants.

2.2. [DP]During the regatta,any removal oforganizingauthority advertising is forbidden. Theorganizingauthority may protest a boat who does not comply to this instruction.

2.3. [NP][DP]Advertisements of the teams on the racing boats must be approved by the organizingauthority. One flag up to 1.4m X 0.96m could be attached to the back-stay for each team.

2.4. The organizingauthority have the right to refuse the teams’ advertisements whichareagainst the event sponsor or therelated advertising laws.

3. Eligibility and Entry

3.1. The regatta is open to theOne-design Class, it is Beneteau First 40. Theorganizingauthority will provide 8 boats for teams.

3.2. The regatta is open to native and international sailors (teams),andteams can be from nations,cities or clubs.

3.3. [NP][DP]For each team, there could be only 6-8 crews on board plus 1 team leader or coach;each team should have1 experienced skipper who’s capable ofoffshoreracing, at least2 crews who are experiencedinoffshore racing.

3.4. [NP][DP]All competitors shall be aged 18 or above, except that each boat may have one youth sailor (age 15-18) who must submit a copy of Certificate of Competency issued by the local authority or qualified training institution, together with letter of agreement by his/her legal guardian and skipper, and shall enter after approval by the organizingauthority.

3.5. Eligible teamsshall provide the following documents:

(1) Entry form (electronic version)

(2) Scanned copies ofall team members’ Passports or IDs

(3) Qualifications or certificates ofthe skipper, which must be fromMSA China, CYA, RYA, ASA or other equal organization

(4)The photo and introduction of the skipper ( please stating theoffshoreracing experience ),introduction ofthe2 crews ( please stating theoffshoreracing experience ),introduction ofthe team (within 400 words),photos and VCR of the team.

3.6. Entries must be received no later than 24:00, July30th,2021.Eligible teams may send the documents listed in NOR3.5 toqdfgzxjsb@qd.shandong.cn. The entry form could be found on Appendix 1 or downloaded from the following website: http://m.timotv.com.

3.7. Organizingauthority will send the entry confirmation according to the entry order of each team.Receiving thee-mailconfirmation letter is considered signing up successfully.

3.8. Late entry may be accepted at the discretion of theorganizingauthority.

3.9. The team who signs up successfully shall provide the following documentsaton-siteregistration:

(1) A copy of the entry confirmation

(2) The originalpassports or IDs of all team members

(3) Proof of personal accident insurance complying with NOR20.

(4) Disclaimer of Liability

4. Fees

4.1. Each teamneeds to payentry fee ofCYN 2000.00 and equipment deposit ofCYN 8,000.

4.2. The team who entries successfully shall pay the entry fee andequipment damage deposit to the designated account, the information of the account will be published later.

4.3.  Theequipment damage deposit would be returned in full if the boats are undamaged in any way after theregatta. Otherwise, teams should pay for the repairing of the damaged equipment and the cost of it will be deducted from the equipment deposit. Theorganizingauthority has the right to demand indemnification if the deposit is not sufficient.

5. Format of Race

The regatta will consist ofround islands races (long-distance races)and course races.

6. Schedule

6.1.  The schedule is as follows:


1.1. Not more than threecourseraces are scheduledon course race day.

2. Equipment and Measurement

2.1. After on-site registration, all teamswillmake the equipment drawingat the skipper’s briefing.

2.2. [NP][DP]Teams could start to rig the boat, practice and clean the bottom at the instruction of theorganizing authority after the equipment draw.

2.3. The organizingauthority will be responsible for inspectingall boats. If necessary a equipment inspection may be taken at any time during racing.

3. Sailing Instructions

The Sailing Instructions will be available after on-site registration.

4. The Venue

Appendix 2 is theracing area in Qingdao.

5. The Course

Please see the Sailing Instructions.

6. Penalty System

6.1. Rule 44.1 is changedtothat the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.

6.2. Decision of the jury will be final as provided in rule 70.5.

7. Scoring

7.1. The overall scoring will be theround islands races (long-distance races)resultsplus the course race results.The score of round islands races (long-distance races)will be doubled and can not be discarded. If there is tie,round islands races (long-distance races)resultswill take advance.

7.2. The scoring system for the course races will be the Low Point System of RRS Appendix A. One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.

7.3. When fewer than five races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.

7.4. Whenfive ormore races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

8. Berthing [NP][DP]

Boats shall be kept in their assigned places in the boat park during the regatta.

9.  Haul-Out Restrictions [NP][DP]

Boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the race committee.

10. Diving Equipment and Plastic Pools [NP][DP]

10.1. Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around keel boats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the regatta.

10.2. Swimming inside or within 250 meters from the harbor of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre is banned.

11.  Radio Communication

11.1. Race committee official channels is VHF72, reserved channel is VHF 77. listen to channel VHF16.

11.2. [NP][DP]A tracker and engine working recorder for each boat may be required by theorganizingauthority, each team should keep it working properly during the race.

11.3. [NP]Handhold VHF Radio should be brought by each team.

12. Photography Consent

By participating in this event, competitors automatically grant to the organizing authority and the event sponsors the right, in perpetuity, to make, use, and show, at their discretion, any photography, audio and video recordings, and other reproductions of them made at the venue or on the water from the time of their arrival at the venue, until their final departure, without compensation.

13. Prizes

The top3 teams will beawarded withtrophy or/and certificate andprizes money ( including any local taxes):

First Place:CYN20,000.00,

Second Place: CYN10,000.00,

Third Place: CYN5000.00.

14. Disclaimer of Liability

14.1. Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule3, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

14.2. All the people on board must sign the Disclaimer of Liability.

15. Insurance [NP][DP]

Each participant must have valid accident insurance with the minimum insurance cover of CYN1,000,000 per incident. Original insurance document should be displayed during the registration. If not, insuranceshould bepurchased at theregistration. Those who do not provide theoriginal insurance document or purchase the insurance on-site maybe banned to participate by the organizing authority.

16. Accommodation for Participants

16.1. Accommodation (double rooms)will be arranged by the organizing authority from6th-10th, August. The accommodation fee will be paid by teams and organizing authority together. The organizing authority will provide CYN 100.00 as subsidy per person per night for non-qingdao local crew who stay in the official hotel designated by the organizing authority, other costs need to be covered by the teams themselves. Meals except breakfast should be arranged by the teams.

16.2. The hotel may collect CYN 200.00 cash deposit for property damage from each competitor. If there is no property damage, it will be returned when checking out of the hotel.

17. Others

17.1. Each team shall bring a flag of their team/club or their national authorities to the organizingauthority.

17.2. The organizingauthority may appoint two journalists or guests on each boat to take photos,videos and interview. Skippers shall be responsible for the safety of the journalists on board and supervise the work of the journalists on board.

17.3. For further information, please contact:

Local OrganizingAuthority:

Name:Xin Kejiang,Meng Yuejiao,

Fax: +86 (0)532 88611195

Tel: +86 (0)532 88611195, +86 (0)5325870 2691


Address: Room 1616, No.17 Xianggangzhong Road, Qingdao, China,

Post Code: 266071

Chinese Yachting Association:

Name:Wang Jiaxin

Fax: +86-(0)10-67093169

Tel: +86-(0)10-67122438

Address: Room306, Tiantan Sports Culture Center, No.74 Tiantan Dong Road,Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

Post Code:100061


"Mayor’s Cup" International Regatta 2021

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center