

  專題> 2016青島國際帆船周海洋節(jié)> 公告
ISAF Sailing World Cup 2015 NOTICE OF RACE
青島帆船網(wǎng) 2015-02-13 15:51:57 

????The Organizing Authority (OA) is ISAF in conjunction with the FFV, RYA, CYA and OCADSE


????[DP] denotes a rule for which the penalty is at the discretion of the International Jury.

????[SP] denotes a rule for which a standard penalty may be applied by the race committee without a hearing.


????1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

????1.2 RSS Appendix P, Special Procedures for Rule 42, will apply.

????1.3 For Medal Races, ISAF Addendum Q, Umpired Fleet Racing, available on the ISAF website(http://www.sailing.org ), will apply and changes a number of racing rules. The version that is current when the regatta begins will appear in full in the sailing instructions.

????1.4 The ISAF SWC Equipment Regulations (ER) will apply.

????1.5 The ISAF SWC Support Boat Regulations will apply.

????1.6 The ISAF SWC Competitors Media Guide will apply.

????1.7 The 2015 ISAF SWC Qualification System will apply.

????1.8 The National Authority Prescriptions that will apply are stated in full in Addendum A of this notice of race.

????1.9 Competitors shall comply with the ISAF Betting and Anti-Corruption Code (Appendix 5 of the ISAF Regulations). An alleged or actual breach of this rule shall be dealt with under the Code. It shall not be grounds for a protest and rule 63.1 does not apply. This changes rule 60.

????1.10 In all rules governing these regattas, both ‘a(chǎn)thlete’ and ‘competitor’ mean a person competing in the event.

????1.11 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.


????2.1 Boats may be required to display bow numbers and advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.

????2.2 Competitors aboard the boats ranked first, second and third in the series at the beginning of that day, shall wear yellow, blue and red bibs respectively while racing. The bibs will be provided by the organizing authority. All other competitors may be required to wear ISAF Sailing World Cup bibs.

????2.3 For Olympic events, boats shall display national flags on mainsails as specified in their class rules. If the class rules do not include specification for display of national flags, they shall be displayed in accordance with ISAF National Flags Specifications. [SP]


????3.1 Only competitors invited by the Organizing Authority will be eligible to enter each event.Invitations will be issued in accordance with the 2015 ISAF SWC Qualification System.

????3.2 Competitors shall confirm acceptance of the invitation to be received within 72 hours of the issuance of the invitation.

????3.3 For Paralympics events only, competitors willing to enter a specific SWC Round shall send an email to swc@isaf.com to request an invitation.

????3.4 To remain eligible competitors shall enter by completing the on-line registration and paying the required fees by the date specified in the letter of invitation.

????3.5 When a competitor accepts an invitation and later withdraws within one month of the event or leaves the event before the conclusion of the closing ceremony without written approval from the OA, ISAF may exclude that competitor for his/her next home continent ISAF Sailing World Cup or impose any other sanction.

????3.6 ISAF Eligibility shall apply. Each competitor shall be registered as an ISAF Sailor on the ISAF website: www.sailing.org/isafsailor.

????3.7 Entries must be endorsed by the MNA of the competitors entering a boat.

????3.8 Unless otherwise approved by the IOC or the ISAF Executive, each competitor shall be a national of the country of the Member National Authority (MNA) which enters the boat or endorses the person in charge (as defined by RRS 46). Each competitor shall present proof of their nationality.

????3.9 Competitors under 18 years of age shall present a signed and completed parent (or guardian) consent and declaration form at registration.

????3.10 The regatta is open to boats in events chosen for the 2016 Olympic Sailing Competition, 2016 Paralympic Sailing Competition and Open Kite Boarding as per the table below:

????3.11 The organizing authority will cancel an event if the minimum number of entries has not been received 21 days before the registration day of each event. The minimum entry is ten boats in all events, except that for Skud 18 and Sonar the minimum entry is at discretion of the organizing committee. Competitors will be notified of cancelled events by email and posting on the event website. The entry fees for cancelled events will be refunded.

????3.12 Olympic gender requirements will apply for each of the Olympic events.

????3.13 IFDS Functional Classification

????3.13.1 Disable sailors shall have a valid International Classification under IFDS Functional Classification System.

????3.13.2 Protest regarding classification may be filed with the on-site classifier not later that “first appearance”. However, protest will not be decided at the regatta.

????3.14 Continental Qualification for Rio 2016 Olympic Games - SWC Qingdao only:

????3.14.1 The quotas for the Finn, 470 Men, 470 Women and Nacra 17 will each be increased to enable any MNA from Asia, that has not already qualified for the 2016 Olympic Sailing Competition in that event, to enter one boat into that event.

????3.14.2 The deadline to apply for a place under NoR 3.14.1 is 31 July 2015.


????4.1 Fees are stated in EUROS and include any local taxes. Entries received before the date specified in the invitation letter will pay the Early Entry Fee.

????4.2 There is no entry fee for the SWC Final in Abu Dhabi.


????5.1 For Olympic Events, the regatta will consist of an opening series and a medal race. The top ten finishers in the opening series of each event will advance to the medal race provided a minimum of 3 races have been completed.

????5.2 For Paralympic Events, the format will consist on an opening series.

????5.3 For Open Kite Boarding Event the short track format will be used and will be stated in the Sailing Instructions.


????7.1 The schedule of the events will be as follows:


????7.2 On the last day of racing, no warning signal will be made after 16:30 h.


????Boats shall be available for inspection from 10:00h on the day before the first scheduled race (Day Zero).


????Sailing instructions will be available at registration and on the ISAF website. Other documents governing the events will be published with the sailing instructions.

????10 VENUE



????The courses will be Windward/Leeward or Trapezoid.


????For the Men’s Skiff, Women’s Skiff, Mixed Two Person Multihull, Paralympic Two Person Keelboat and Open Kite Boarding events, RRS 44.1 and RRS P2.1 are changed so that Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by One-Turn Penalty.


????An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with rule RRS 91(b).

????14 SCORING

????14.1 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply except that RRS A4.1 is changed so that the points scored in the medal race are doubled.

????14.2 A boat’s score shall be calculated in accordance with RRS A2, except that the score for the medal race shall not be excluded.

????14.3 When fewer than three races in the opening series has been completed, no score shall be excluded.

????14.4 At least 3 races are required to be completed to constitute a regatta.

????14.5 Ties in the series score between boats with different medal race point scores shall be broken in favour of the boat that scored better in the medal race. This changes RRS Appendix A8.

????14.6 Other scoring systems may be used for the Open Kiteboarding event and will be stated in the sailing instructions.


????All support boats shall be registered with the organizing authority and will be required to comply with local legislation and event support boat regulations. The organizing authority may refuse registrations and accept later registrations at their sole discretion.


????A boat shall neither make nor receive radio transmissions, text messages or cellular phone calls while racing except in an emergency or when using equipment provided by the race committee.

????17 PRIZES

????17.1 ISAF SWC Medals will be awarded to the top 3 boats in each event.

????17.2 The amount of the prize money will be declared in the invitation letter.


????Each participating crew shall hold a valid insurance certificate showing proof of third-party liability coverage of at least 1.500.000 Euros (or equivalent) per incident.


????Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk and they are reminded of the provisions of RRS 4, Decision to Race. Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that: They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore; They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions; By participating in any race, they are satisfied that their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;The provision of a race management team, patrol boats, umpires and other officials and volunteers by the organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;


????20.1 By participating in an event of the ISAF Sailing World Cup competitors automatically grant to the organizing authority, ISAF and their sponsors, the right in perpetuity to make, use and show, from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of the athlete during the period of the competition without compensation.

????20.2 Boats may be required to carry cameras, sound equipment or positioning equipment as specified by the Organizing Authority.

????20.3 The top three competitors as well as the individual race winners may be required to attend a media press conference each day.

????20.4 Competitors may be required for interviews at the regatta.


????21.1 Documents governing the 2015 ISAF SWC are available at ISAF website www.sailing.org/world_cup_documents.php

????NoR Addendum A – Prescriptions of the Member National Authorities

????A1 ISAF SWC Hyères - Fédération Fran?aise de Voile


????RRS 64.3 DECISIONS ON PROTESTS CONCERNING CLASS RULES The jury may ask the parties to the protest, prior to checking procedures, a deposit covering the cost of checking arising from a protest concerning class rules.

????A1.2 RRS 67 DAMAGES

????Any question about or request of damages arising from an incident involving a boat bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing or International Regulation to Prevent Collision at Sea depends on the appropriate courts and will not be dealt by the jury.


????In such circumstances, the written approval of the Fédération Fran?aise de Voile shall be received before publishing the notice of race and shall be posted on the official notice board during the event.

????A2 ISAF SWC Weymouth & Portland - Royal Yachting Association


????The national authority procedural rules required by ISAF regulation 21.14 to implement the World Anti-Doping Code through ISAF regulation 21 are the RYA Rules and Procedures for Anti- Doping, as published on the RYA website.

????A2.2 RRS 67 DAMAGES

????1. Any claim for damages arising from an incident while a boat is bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and not considered by a protest committee.

????2. A boat that takes a penalty or retires does not thereby admit liability for damages or that she has broken a rule.


????An organizing authority wishing to develop and test a rule change shall obtain prior approval from the RYA. The organizing authority shall promptly report the results of the test to the RYA.


????Notices of race and sailing instructions shall not change a prescription of the RYA. However, when an international jury has been appointed for an event, only the prescriptions of rules 5, 67, 86.3 and 88.2 shall apply.

????A3 ISAF SWC Qingdao - Chinese Yachting Association

????No national prescriptions will apply

????A4 ISAF SWC Final Abu Dhabi - UAE Sailing and Rowing Federation

????No national prescriptions will apply


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